
8 Future-Proof Career Opportunities in Coding

Mahir Ashraf

19th March, 2024

0 min read

Coders are first in line to develop new digital technologies. If you're fascinated by generative AI tools like ChatGPT, or Gemini, then think about the future technologies that are yet to come.

Digital technologies are rapidly changing, and automation systems are drastically improving on a whole new level.

The growing dependency to create, develop, and maintain all these digital technologies will always require specialized programmers. And, people who know how to code are the key contributors to these massive technological developments.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, and Payscale, the average annual salary of coders and programmers ranges from $60,000 to $120,000 per year.

The world will desperately need more software engineers in the future, and that makes coding a super high-in-demand future-proof skill.

The biggest advantage of building a career in coding is that it offers a multitude of opportunities across diverse industries. Whether it's eCommerce, medical, manufacturing, automobile, or space technology, coding is necessary in every major industry.

In this article, I will discuss the top 10 career opportunities in coding, the current pay scale, and their projected income growth in the next 10 years.

8 Future-Proof Career Opportunities in Coding

  • 1.   Machine Learning Engineer

    Machine Learning Engineers are highly skilled programmers who create and develop artificial intelligence, and machines with automation features.

    All the AI tools you see on the internet today, or the automation software that you use for various work processes were all created by machine learning engineers.

    Ever since the emergence of generative AI tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, Dall-E, Midjourney, and more, the career prospects of ML engineers have drastically improved.

    Right now, we are in the early stages of AI development, and modern automation, so the demand for ML engineers is projected to increase exponentially in the next 10 years.

    How much does a Machine Learning Engineer earn? And, what is the projected annual income growth in the next 10 years?

    • Average Annual Basic US Salary in 2024: $116,000 to $140,000
    • Projected 10-Year Growth: 15%
  • 2.   Mobile App Developer

    We use mobile apps for communication, entertainment, and also for various work-related issues. Mobile phones have become a part of our daily lives, and it's extensively used in the US and throughout the world.

    Almost everyone in the US owns a mobile phone. According to recent statistics, it was found that almost 97% of the US population owns a mobile phone.

    And, there are about 8.93 million mobile apps, and with each passing day, more are being created.

    The mobile app market has generated a total revenue of $420 billion in 2022, with an average projected growth of 8.83% per year. By the year 2027, the projected revenue growth is expected to hit $673.8 billion.

    Currently, mobile app developers are among the highest in demand, and it is expected to grow even more in the coming years.

    How much does a Mobile App Developer earn? And, what is the projected annual income growth in the next 10 years?

    • Average Annual Basic US Salary: $82,000
    • Projected 10-Year Growth: 21%
  • 3.   Software Engineer

    Software engineers create and develop comprehensive computer applications and operating systems. Compared to all career aspects of coding, software engineers have the highest demand across various industries.

    After all, they have extensive technical and programming expertise in multiple coding languages which makes them the ideal candidate for various types of software creation and development.

    According to Statista, the software industry generated $698.80 billion in 2024, and the average annual growth of the global software industry is 5.27%. By 2028, the software industry's revenue is projected to hit $858.10 billion.

    So, the trend shows that software engineers are in high demand, and as the industry continues to rapidly grow, the demand for software engineers is likely to grow exponentially in the coming years.

    How much does a Software Engineer earn? And, what is the projected annual income growth in the next 10 years?

    • Average Annual Basic US Salary: 92,000
    • Projected 10-Year Growth: 26%
  • 4.   Game Developer

    Game developers use advanced coding and programming skills to create immersive visual elements, dynamic animations, and intricate virtual environments where players can actively control, engage in interactions, and execute actions.

    So, to create these modern games, you will need to have extensive technical expertise and coding skills. Whether you're creating games on PC, Playstation, Xbox, Mobile, or any other gaming console, you will need to overcome various complexities and challenges.

    Over the last 20 years, the gaming industry has grown rapidly. In the year 2022, the global gaming industry has generated a total revenue of $347 billion. It may sound surprising but mobile games have generated about $248 billion of the total.

    The gaming industry is rapidly evolving, and in the future, it will become much more immersive and engaging with emerging technologies like cloud and VR gaming.

    How much does a Game Developer earn? And, what is the projected annual income growth in the next 10 years?

    • Average Annual Basic US Salary: $90,000
    • Projected 10-Year Growth: 5.31%
  • 5.   Web Developer

    Web developers specialize in creating, developing, and maintaining websites. There are various technical steps when it comes to creating a website, especially to ensure that the site is user-friendly, smooth, and easy to navigate.

    While creating a website with coding can be challenging, it can get quite overwhelming to maintain it. It is crucial for web developers to ensure that the website is absolutely secure, functional, and bug-free.

    Every business needs a website to establish and grow its online presence and search visibility. As of 2024, there are 1.09 billion websites, out of which only 18% are active.

    So that means currently there are web developers who are actively working to develop and maintain more than 196 million websites. On top of that 252,000 websites are being created every day.

    As more businesses emerge the demand for website developers will keep increasing in the future.

    According to recent industry trends, website development has generated a total revenue of $56 billion with an average growth of 8.03%. So, by the year 2028, the global revenue of website development is forecasted to increase to $89 billion.

    How much does a Website Developer earn? And, what is the projected annual income growth in the next 10 years?

    • Average Annual Basic US Salary: $63,000
    • Projected 10-Year Growth: 13%
  • 6.   Cloud Engineer

    Without cloud technology, we wouldn't be able to access social media, online tools, and even streaming sites like YouTube and Netflix.

    The reason that we can actively use various cloud applications, and seamlessly store a large amount of data online is because cloud engineers have created, and developed a cloud infrastructure.

    Building a robust cloud system isn't just about initial development; it also requires consistent monitoring, maintenance, and significant upgrades from time to time.

    As the future of digital technology is highly dependent on cloud technologies, the demand for cloud engineering is expected to skyrocket, and that makes cloud engineers a highly sustainable skill to specialize in.

    According to recent industry trends, cloud engineering has generated a total revenue of $690 billion in 2024, with an average annual growth of 11.37%. By the year 2028, the market value of cloud engineering is forecasted to spike to $1062 billion.

    How much does a Cloud Engineer earn? And, what is the projected annual income growth in the next 10 years?

    • Average Annual Basic US Salary: $120,000
    • Projected 10-Year Growth: 15%
  • 7.   Data Scientist

    Businesses need to collect, track, monitor, and analyze a large amount of data of their target audience. Collecting numerous data figures can get challenging, and there are various complexities involved in the entire process.

    Data scientists use specialized coding skills, and technical expertise to create, and develop a comprehensive data management system. It also allows you to seamlessly automate massive data collection from end users.

    For instance, when you're purchasing a product on an eCommerce website, the system collects various information including payment details. And then you receive an automated email within a few seconds with an invoice of your purchase. All these data collection processes were created, and developed by data scientists.

    According to industry insights, data science has generated a total revenue of $81.47bn in 2022 with an average annual growth of 29%. By the year 2029, the total revenue of the data science market is expected to amount to $484.17bn.

    So, the demand for data scientists is projected to increase tremendously in the upcoming years which makes data science a super high-demand skill.

    How much does a Data Scientist earn? And, what is the projected annual income growth in the next 10 years?

    • Average Annual Basic US Salary: $100,000
    • Projected 10-Year Growth: 35%
  • 8.   Cybersecurity Analyst

    On average, 30,000 websites are hacked every day. Among them, the prime targets mainly of these hackers include small businesses and personal websites.

    Although the internet is amazing with numerous useful apps, websites, and online resources, it's still crawling with malware and various security threats.

    Without ensuring proper website, and database security, there's a high chance of security breaches. Businesses are in constant threat of losing crucial data and even have their bank accounts compromised.

    Not to mention, having an infected website can severely tarnish any business's brand image. That's where cybersecurity analysts come in, they are responsible for protecting computers, databases, and networks from security breaches.

    They can code and create antiviruses, and firewalls, and even manually take various technical steps to maintain and respond to security threats.

    The cybersecurity market is expected to generate US$183.10bn in 2024 with a rapid annual growth rate of 10.56% per year. So, by the year 2028, the market volume is projected to amount to US$273.60bn.

    How much does a Cybersecurity Analyst earn? And, what is the projected annual income growth in the next 10 years?

    • Average Annual Basic US Salary: $80,000
    • Projected 10-Year Growth: 5.29%

Mahir Ashraf

Digital Marketing Specialist

Mahir is a seasoned B2B SaaS Copywriter and SEO specialist with over 3 years of experience delivering results for globally competitive marketing agencies, eCommerce firms, and software companies. With a proven track record of driving organic traffic and conversions, he combines impeccable research skills with a passion for crafting highly informative and engaging content. Whether it's helping startups scale their online presence or optimizing content for established industry leaders his expertise delivers measurable results.